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Our History

When you drink Maharajah Coffee, you are not just drinking a specialty coffee. 


Maharajah Coffee was not established overnight. There is a history of the brand which has a significant meaning behind it.


The journey for Manveer Singh was not easy. He was born with severe profound hearing loss & a learning disability. He developed reading lips at an early age and can feel various levels of vibrations. 


During his time at university, it was really challenging for him. He would zone out in the lecture room and would have to keep up with the discussions and the professor presentations by reading lips. It was exhausting. During the end of the summer term, he had a GPA of 1.8.  He was so devastated and felt like he was a failure. 


He decided to take a break; traveled where the wind took him. He traveled to Istanbul and to the eastern part of Turkey and crossing through Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. He simply wanted to help people who were affected in many different parts of the world for so many different reasons.


He did not hold back; he kept pushing forward. There was a time where he sat around a fireplace with the locals and coffee. He drank coffee from Yemen and listened to stories from the older generation. Imagine coffee, a fireplace and people socializing; it can make us forget about the outside and focus on positivity. Coffee is like people: each root has its own cultures and traditions. He described out of all the violence happening throughout the world, people were still smiling. An act of kindness, no matter the size or impact, has made them happy. 


After Pakistan, Manveer flew to Minas Gerais, Brazil. While he was done with his work, he discovered a farm. The owner shouted at him to come over and that is where Manveer discovered it was a coffee farm. The farmer gave him all the details about coffee, and he instantly fell in love with it. 


Manveer then returned to university and finally graduated.  During his time at the university prior to graduation, he started crafting his coffee by using a stethoscope and putting it against the mini roasting machine to feel the vibration. He believes that even with a disability, there is always another hidden gift inside. We just need to find ourselves. I hope to encourage people with disabilities so they can find their passion and do whatever they desire.

CEO Manveer Singh on an expedition to Kenya, January 2019

CEO Manveer Singh on an expedition to Kenya, January 2019


Dharma exists for the welfare of all beings. Hence, that by which the welfare of all living beings is sustained, that for sure is dharma.



Our Core Values

Respect for earth

The earth is our mother, and we give back what she has given us. We invest time and effort into sustainable and efficient products and practices, and we generally aim to create a better life for all living beings. We believe profit should be shared to help the planet, so we give a portion of our profit to causes that protect the environment, indigenous farmers, and endangered species.

Respect for people

We value the skill and care of those that produce our coffees and favor fair trade, organic, specialty coffee farms that provide fair wages to their workers. We strive to infuse all of our business relationships with positivity and kindness. We respect our customers’ sophisticated tastes, which keeps us searching the world for high quality coffees and roasting techniques.

Authenticity and honesty

Simplicity is key to our operation. We are not in business to compete but rather to stay true to ourselves and simply invite coffee drinkers to a new level of experience. At the root of our company is love, and we seek to spread love through our bespoke, international coffees.

We believe that adhering to our Core Values produces coffee that truly tastes different from the rest. It is an honor to produce Maharajah Coffee, and we hope to provide our customers with a cup of happiness.
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